© 2016 Alice Jayne Thorley


In order to get a real understanding of what it is like for someone to live with depression or have attempted suicide I have come up with 11 questions to ask them. Their identity will remain anonymous both on the blog and within my performance however, I would like to use peoples actual experiences within my monologues. I will ask those who have been diagnosed with Depression and those who just believe they are depressed to see the variance or similarities between them.

  1. How do you feel when you are feeling Low/Depressed?
  2. Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?
  3. If yes, What were they? (i.e How and Why?)
  4. Do you feel that people look at you differently when they know that you are depressed or have attempted suicide?
  5. Describe, in any way you wish, what is depression to you? What does the word mean to you? How do the thoughts, feelings and stigma behind it make you feel?
  6. What makes you feel Low/Depressed/Suicidal?
  7. Have you ever sought help?
  8. Does anyone know how you feel? Have you told family, friends, teachers etc.?
  9. If yes, how did you tell them?
  10. Do you have someone who you can talk to about your illness?
  11. How do you feel about the word ‘disease’ when talking about Depression?

All participants will be asked if they do not mind their answers to the questions being shared on the blog and within the performance itself and they are reminded that they do not have to answer every question and can answer with a much or as little detail as they want.

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