© 2016 Alice Jayne Thorley


A solo performance written & directed by Lucy Skilbeck and performed by Lucy Parkinson (or her drag name ‘loUis CYfer’).
I have been unable to see any other solo performances other than those online, so when I saw that I was available and able to see this performance, I did!
The auditorium was set up in the round with four tables on either side of the space and the seats placed around the tables. Quite informal I thought. The story of the piece traced the life of Joan of Arc and was a moving but also humorous show. Although not my idea of an amazing performance (as personally I don’t like audience participation) it was still a most enjoyable show. Parkinson came out with energy and her pace never dropped. There were songs and repetition and improvised moments where she made little comments to the audience. When she moved more off stage in order to change her costume, she still made it entertaining by waving or making some remark, coming back out to the audience to show us half her outfit or even by creating this new character within the main performance space.
By the end, as with the story of Joan of Arc the mood turned from comedy to tragedy. It was pretty intense and a break was needed, so she snapped out of character to make a funny remark and add another section of comedy, still in relation to the story being told before snapping back into the gloom.

It was an entertaining performance and stood at an hour and 10 minutes (roughly). You forgot really that it was a solo performance and did not feel long at all. In fact, if it wasn’t for the fact I was sitting on really uncomfortable seats, I would’ve gladly stayed for more.

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